They Only Want to Love You

My three dogs circa 2010 on a fictional trip to Paris.

I’ve always wanted to write a book titled Dogs Make Better People, thus the tagline to this site. My stumbling block has always been where to proceed after the opening sentence, “They’ll love you forever no matter who you are.” 

That pretty much says it all. You can be a serial killer and your dog will go to the gallows with you, not to die necessarily, but to love you till the end.

Serial killers notwithstanding, this means dogs just want to be with you and love you, and dammit, you’d better love them back! 

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Tips for Walking Your Dog

When we walk our dog, no matter the destination – on the city streets, in parks or in open spaces – it is necessary that he respects the disciplinary rules settled before and learned, to avoid getting into problems with other animals or people we meet. So let’s see how our little friend will have to act in some situations:

1. Usually, in crowded places we will keep him in a leash, to always have him under control. So he will have to know how to walk in a leash, near your foot, without pulling. This is one of the most important rules your puppy must learn.

2. The dog is not allowed to jump on people or animals met or to attack any of those, as long as he isn’t aggressed. That means you as the pack leader must enforce this rule; otherwise, your dog will do what he wants.

3. The dog should not be allowed under any circumstances run after bicycles, motorcycles, cars or people that are running. It is known that some dogs do that because of their hunting instincts, but if they are living in an urban area it is important for their own safety to stop this practice.

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Traveling With Your Best Friend

Traveling with your pet can be hassle-free with a little bit of planning. Below are some tips to help you with this.

If your pet is on medication, bring plenty of it so you’re not running out of medication when it’s needed. It would also be a good idea to have your veterinarian contact information in case you loose the medication, so the vet can call in a prescription should the other get lost.

Find out ahead of time that the hotel you make reservations at will accept pets. You don’t want to assume that there is a pet friendly hotel in a town you intend to stay in and when you get there, you’re turned away for having a pet or the one’s that allow the pets are all booked up.

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Dog Communication: Are You Listening?

You’ve just gotten home after a brutal day at work. The headache from your busy schedule would love nothing more than to be relieved by a warm welcome from your family.

As soon as you open the door you hear the high-pitched voice of your wife as she is scolding your ten-year-old son, while his little sister is sobbing because he broke one of her new dolls.

The television is loud and your Mother-in-law is chatting on the phone…

So who is the loving one that meets you at the door?

“Sammy” does, your three-year-old mongrel dog.

He’s wagging and wiggling from his head to the tip of his tail. He dances and jumps into your waiting arms, and, if you allow him, he licks you on the face. He’s glad to see you. Your dog has expressed himself in the language that he knows you understand.

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